


AuthorizationCodeSession(client_id, …[, …])

Session for authorization code flow


Base class for all session classes.

ClientCredentialsSession(client_id, …[, …])

Credentials(client_id, client_secret, …)

Method generated by attrs for class Credentials.


An enumeration.

ImplicitGrantSession(client_id, redirect_uri)

Session following the “implicit grant flow” for authorization

OAuth2Token(access_token, expires_in, scope)

Method generated by attrs for class OAuth2Token.

RefreshableOAuth2Session(session, …)

Base abstract class for sessions whose token can be refreshed automatically either using a refresh-token (authorization code flow) or not (client credentials flow).

class spotipie.auth.AuthorizationCodeSession(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope=None, auto_refresh=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: spotipie.auth.sessions.RefreshableOAuth2Session

Session for authorization code flow

FLOW: spotipie.auth.sessions.Flow = 'authorization_code'
authorization_url(force_dialog=False, **kwargs)[source]

Generates the URL the user has to visit in order to authorize (the application using) this session. The “state” parameter (useful for security reasons) is automatically generated and included in the URL. This function returns the authorization url and the generated state.

  • force_dialog (bool) – Whether or not to force the user to approve the app again if they’ve already done so. If false (default), a user who has already approved the application may be automatically redirected to the URI specified by redirect_uri. If True, the user will not be automatically redirected and will have to approve the app again.

  • **kwargs – other query arguments to include in the authorization URLs; at the moment of writing this functions, no other parameter exists.

Return type

Tuple[str, str]


tuple(authorization_url, state)

fetch_token(callback_url, timeout=None)[source]

Extracts the code and the state parameters from the callback URL and, after having checked the correctness of the state, it makes a request to Spotify in order to exchange the authorization code for an access token.

  • callback_url – the URL Spotify redirects to after the user grants his authorization to your app, i.e. the redirect URI with query arguments “code” and “state” (at least). The function raises an exception if the callback URL contains an “error” argument

  • timeout

  • AccessDenied – if the user decides to not grant access

  • AuthorizationException – the callback_url has an error argument different from “access_denied”

  • requests.Timeout

fetch_token_given_code(code, state, timeout=None)[source]

Variant of fetch_token() where you pass the code and state parameters directly rather than a callback URL.

class spotipie.auth.BaseOAuth2Session(session)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for all session classes. Please, note that this class is not a subclass of requests.Session. In fact, it is a wrapper of requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session which is a subclass of requests.Session. You can access the actual session object using the property session.


session (requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session): (get-only) session object token (OAuth2Token): (get/set) token object client_id (str): (get-only) scope (FrozenSet[str]): (get-only)

FLOW: spotipie.auth.sessions.Flow
add_listener(event_name, listener)[source]

Adds a listener for one of the available events (see events).

  • event_name (str) – either “token_updated” or “token_expired”

  • listener (Callable[[SessionEvent], Any]) – a callable taking an event object in input

Return type


remove_listener(event_name, listener)[source]
Return type


property session: requests.sessions.Session

Returns the requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session instance wrapped by this object. You should not need to use this. If you do, makes sure your use doesn’t interfere with the behavior of the wrapper.

Return type


property client_id
property is_authorized
property token: spotipie.auth._token.OAuth2Token
Return type



token (Union[Dict, OAuth2Token]) – a OAuth2Token or an equivalent dictionary

property scope: Tuple[str]
Return type


request(method, url, params=None, data=None, headers=None, withhold_token=False, **kwargs)[source]

Make a request. See requests.Session documentation for the full argument list.


TokenExpired – if the token is expired and not refreshed/updated automatically or by a listener on the “token_expired” event.

mount(prefix, adapter)[source]
class spotipie.auth.ClientCredentialsSession(client_id, client_secret, auto_refresh=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: spotipie.auth.sessions.RefreshableOAuth2Session

FLOW: spotipie.auth.sessions.Flow = 'client_credentials'
class spotipie.auth.Credentials(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri)[source]

Bases: object

Method generated by attrs for class Credentials.

client_id: str
client_secret: Optional[str]
redirect_uri: str
staticmethod from_environment(prefix='SPOTIPIE')[source]

Reads Spotify OAuth2 credentials from the following environment variables: {prefix}_CLIENT_ID, {prefix}_CLIENT_SECRET, {prefix}_REDIRECT_URI.


KeyError – if no variable is defined for client_id and redirect_uri.

Return type


class spotipie.auth.Flow(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

CLIENT_CREDENTIALS = 'client_credentials'
IMPLICIT_GRANT = 'implicit_grant'
AUTHORIZATION_CODE = 'authorization_code'
class spotipie.auth.ImplicitGrantSession(client_id, redirect_uri, scope=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: spotipie.auth.sessions.BaseOAuth2Session

Session following the “implicit grant flow” for authorization

FLOW: spotipie.auth.sessions.Flow = 'implicit_grant'
authorization_url(force_dialog=False, **kwargs)[source]

Generates the URL the user has to visit in order to authorize (the application using) this session. The “state” parameter (useful for security reasons) is automatically generated and included in the URL. This function returns the authorization url and the generated state.

  • force_dialog (bool) – Whether or not to force the user to approve the app again if they’ve already done so. If false (default), a user who has already approved the application may be automatically redirected to the URI specified by redirect_uri. If True, the user will not be automatically redirected and will have to approve the app again.

  • **kwargs – other query arguments to include in the authorization URLs; at the moment of writing this functions, no other parameter exists.

Return type

Tuple[str, str]


tuple(authorization_url, state)


Parses the callback URL and grab the token information contained in the fragment of the URL. Sets the token property and returns the token.

Return type


class spotipie.auth.RefreshableOAuth2Session(session, client_secret, auto_refresh)[source]

Bases: spotipie.auth.sessions.BaseOAuth2Session, abc.ABC

Base abstract class for sessions whose token can be refreshed automatically either using a refresh-token (authorization code flow) or not (client credentials flow).

property client_secret: str
Return type


property auto_refresh: bool
Return type



Enable token auto-refresh. Equivalent to session.auto_refresh = True.

Return type



Disable token auto-refresh. Equivalent to session.auto_refresh = False.

Return type



Obtains a new token, stores it in the session and returns it.

Return type


request(method, url, params=None, data=None, headers=None, withhold_token=False, **kwargs)[source]

Make a request. See requests.Session documentation for the full argument list.


TokenExpired – if the token is expired and not refreshed/updated automatically or by a listener on the “token_expired” event.

FLOW: spotipie.auth.sessions.Flow
class spotipie.auth.OAuth2Token(access_token, expires_in, scope, state=None, token_type='Bearer', expires_at=None, refresh_token=None)[source]

Bases: object

Method generated by attrs for class OAuth2Token.

access_token: str
expires_in: int
scope: Tuple[str, ...]
state: Optional[str]
token_type: str
expires_at: Optional[float]
refresh_token: Optional[str]
staticmethod from_dict(data, ignore_unknown_keys=False)[source]
Return type


staticmethod from_json_string(string)[source]
staticmethod from_json(path)[source]
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

Return type
