Source code for spotipie.utils

__all__ = [
    'pretty', 'get_default_http_adapter', 'ResourceInfo', 'normalize_scope',
    'format_uri', 'format_url', 'RESOURCE_TYPES',

import pprint
from typing import Iterable, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import urllib3
from attr import attrib, attrs
from cachecontrol import CacheControlAdapter

from spotipie.exceptions import ResourceTypeMismatch

RESOURCE_TYPES = frozenset(['track', 'album', 'artist', 'playlist', 'user'])

[docs]def format_uri(obj_type, obj_id, owner_id=None): if owner_id: return 'spotify:user:{}:{}:{}'.format(owner_id, obj_type, obj_id) return 'spotify:{}:{}'.format(obj_type, obj_id)
[docs]def format_url(obj_type, obj_id, owner_id=None): if owner_id: return '/'.join([OPEN_SPOTIFY_URL, 'user', owner_id, obj_type, obj_id]) return '/'.join([OPEN_SPOTIFY_URL, obj_type, obj_id])
[docs]@attrs(frozen=True) class ResourceInfo: """ Pseudo-immutable object storing type and ID of a Spotify Resource. The ``owner_id`` is an optional field and can be provided only for playlists: the old URIs and URLs for playlists required this field in the past. In any case, It can be constructed from spotify URIs (strings) and URLs. """ type = attrib() id = attrib() owner_id = attrib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.type not in RESOURCE_TYPES: raise ValueError('invalid resource type: %r' % self.type) if not raise ValueError('invalid resource id: %r' % if self.owner_id: if self.type != 'playlist': raise ValueError('you provided owner_id but the object is not a playlist, it is: %r' % self.type) if not self.owner_id.isalnum(): raise ValueError('invalid owner obj_id (not alphanumeric): %r' % self.owner_id) @staticmethod def _from_tokens(tokens, uri_or_url): if len(tokens) == 2: obj_type, obj_id = tokens[-2:] return ResourceInfo(obj_type, obj_id) elif len(tokens) == 4: # Handles legacy playlist URI/URL: spotify:user:{id}:playlist:{id} and analogous URL user, owner_id, playlist, obj_id = tokens if user != 'user': raise ValueError('invalid Spotify URI/URL: ' + uri_or_url) return ResourceInfo(playlist, obj_id, owner_id) else: raise ValueError('invalid Spotify URI/URL: ' + uri_or_url)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_uri(uri): tokens = uri.split(':') if tokens[0] == 'spotify': # "spotify:" part is optional tokens.pop(0) return ResourceInfo._from_tokens(tokens, uri)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_url(url): res = urlparse(url) if res.netloc != OPEN_SPOTIFY_NETLOC: raise ValueError('invalid URL: ' + url) tokens = res.path[1:].split('/') return ResourceInfo._from_tokens(tokens, url)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(uri_or_url: str): if uri_or_url.startswith('https'): return ResourceInfo.from_url(uri_or_url) return ResourceInfo.from_uri(uri_or_url)
@property def url(self): return format_url(self.type,, self.owner_id) @property def uri(self): return format_uri(self.type,, self.owner_id) def __repr__(self): if self.owner_id: return '%s(type=%r, id=%r, owner_id=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.type,, self.owner_id) return '%s(type=%r, id=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.type,,) def __eq__(self, other): """ Note: owner_id is not used """ return isinstance(other, ResourceInfo) and other.type == self.type and == def __hash__(self): """ Note: owner_id is not used """ return hash(self.type,
def get_id(identifier, expected_type=None): """ Returns the base-62 ID number of a Spotify resource given a Spotify URI, a Spotify URL or the ID itself. May raise: * :exc:`ValueError` - if either ``identifier`` or ``expected_type`` are not valid; * :exc:`~spotipie.TypeMismatchError` - if the caller expect the first argument is the identifier of an object of type ``expected_type`` but it is not. """ if identifier.isalnum(): return identifier resource = ResourceInfo.parse(identifier) if expected_type and resource.type != expected_type: if expected_type not in RESOURCE_TYPES: raise ValueError('Invalid expected_type argument: ' + expected_type) else: raise ResourceTypeMismatch(expected_type, actual_type=resource.type) return
[docs]def pretty(d: dict) -> str: """ Prettify a dictionary """ return pprint.pformat(d, indent=2, width=100, compact=True)
[docs]def normalize_scope(scope) -> Tuple[str, ...]: if not scope: return tuple() elif isinstance(scope, str): return tuple(sorted(scope.split())) elif isinstance(scope, Iterable): return tuple(sorted(list(scope))) else: raise TypeError('scope must be str or Iterable[str]')
[docs]def get_default_http_adapter(adapter_class=CacheControlAdapter): """ Returns an HTTPAdapter that can be mounted to a session in order to add automatically resend a request if it failed. By default, a CacheControlAdapter is added. This adds caching to the session. Pass :class:`~requests.adapters.HttpAdapter` if you don't want caching. """ return adapter_class( max_retries=urllib3.Retry( total=10, backoff_factor=0.3, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504) ))