Source code for spotipie.exceptions

__all__ = ['SpotipieException', 'HttpError', 'InsufficientScope', 'ResourceTypeMismatch',
           'AccessDenied', 'AuthorizationException', 'AuthorizationTimeout']

[docs]class SpotipieException(Exception): pass
[docs]class AuthorizationException(SpotipieException): """ Exceptional event happened during user authorization (including access denied by the user) """ pass
[docs]class AuthorizationTimeout(AuthorizationException): """ Raised when the authorization procedure started but the function waiting for a response from the user (or the Spotify server) doesn't get any response in ``timeout`` seconds. """ def __init__(self, timeout): super().__init__('Timeout! No authorization response after %d seconds.' % timeout)
[docs]class AccessDenied(AuthorizationException): """ Raised when the user decides to not grant access to the app """ def __init__(self, message="the user did not grant his/her authorization"): super().__init__(message)
[docs]class HttpError(SpotipieException): """ Error during HTTP request. It has a ``response`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, response): details = (response.json()['error']['message'] if response.text and response.text != 'null' else 'error') message = '{status} error: {details}\n' \ 'URL: {url}'.format(status=response.status_code, details=details, url=response.url) self.response = response super().__init__(message)
[docs]class InsufficientScope(SpotipieException): """ Raised when Spotipie catches that the scope of the session is not sufficient to carry out an API request **before** the actual request is made. # Important notice Please, note that not all the errors caused by insufficient scope can be caught before a request is made: when this check is not possible and the scope is insufficient, an :class:~spotipie.errors.HttpError` is raised instead. So, make sure you include ``HttpError`` in your ``try-except`` block whenever you want to catch insufficient scope errors. This class is here to provide you a better feedback than ``HttpError`` when this is possible. """ def __init__(self, needed_scope, current_scope): missing_scope = list(sorted(set(needed_scope) - set(current_scope))) msg = ('Insufficient client scope for the request.\n' 'The current scope is: {}.\n' 'But the API call requires: {}.\n' 'Missing scopes: {}\n' .format(current_scope, needed_scope, missing_scope)) super().__init__(msg) self.current_scope = current_scope self.needed_scope = needed_scope self.missing_scope = missing_scope
[docs]class ResourceTypeMismatch(SpotipieException): """ Raised when the raiser expect a Spotify resource of some kind but gets another. Note: "type" here doesn't refer to a Python type but to the type of a Python resource returned by Spotify API as a dictionary (contained in the "type" attribute of the dict). """ def __init__(self, expected_type, actual_type): msg = 'expected type %r but got type %r' % (expected_type, actual_type) super().__init__(msg) self.expected_type = expected_type self.actual_type = actual_type