Source code for spotipie.auth.utils

__all__ = ['get_user_authorization', 'prompt_for_user_authorization']

import logging
import time
import webbrowser
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import Thread
from typing import Optional, Union

import requests

from spotipie.auth import (
from spotipie.exceptions import (
from spotipie.utils import pretty

UserOAuth2Session = Union[AuthorizationCodeSession, ImplicitGrantSession]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _open_in_browser(url):
        print("Successfully opened the browser!")
    except Exception as exc:
        print("Couldn't open the web browser automatically: %s\n", str(exc))
        print("Please, open the following link in your browser: %s" % url)

[docs]def get_user_authorization(session: UserOAuth2Session, app_name: Optional[str] = None, port: int = 1234, timeout: int = 120) -> 'OAuth2Token': """ Asks the user to authorize the authorize your app. The authorization flow depends on the type of session to pass. As a side effect, the obtained token is stored in the session. This function launches a flask app listening to ``http://localhost:{port}/callback`` in a new thread, which once the authorization is completed, sends the received token to the main thread through a messaging queue; in this way, this function does not require the user to manually copy and paste the callback URL into your app. **IMPORTANT:** to use this function - you need to install optional dependencies through: ``pip install spotipie[auth-app]`` - you need to whitelist ``http://localhost:{port}/callback`` in your app callback URLs. Args: session: OAuth2 session to authorize app_name: name of your application (used in the "success.html" page) port: TCP port the server listen to timeout: shutdown the server app after this time (in seconds) Returns: OAuth2Token See Also: """ from spotipie.auth._app import start_authorization_app messaging_queue: Queue = Queue() app_url = 'http://localhost:%d' % port server_thread = Thread( target=start_authorization_app, daemon=True, kwargs=dict( port=port, message_queue=messaging_queue, scope=session.scope, client_id=session.client_id, client_secret=getattr(session, 'client_secret', None), client_app_name=app_name, debug=False) ) server_thread.start() _open_in_browser(app_url + '/authorize') try: token = messaging_queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout) except Empty: raise AuthorizationTimeout(timeout) finally: # delay the app shutdown a little bit so that it can reply to all the requests needed # to display a web page (html + css) time.sleep(1) + '/shutdown') server_thread.join() logger.debug('Token: ' + pretty(token)) if 'error' in token: if token['error'] == 'access_denied': raise AccessDenied raise AuthorizationException('Error during app authorization: ' + token['error']) session.token = token return session.token
[docs]def prompt_for_user_authorization(session: UserOAuth2Session) -> 'OAuth2Token': """ Useful for command-line apps, when you don't want to use :func:`get_user_authorization`. Asks the user to authorize your app through the terminal. It requires the user to manually copy and paste the callback URL into the terminal. """ auth_url, _ = session.authorization_url() print(f""" We need your authorization to continue. The authorization uses the OAuth2 protocol. We are going to open the Spotify authorization page in your browser: {auth_url} Once you authorize your app, Spotify will redirect you to localhost and the redirection URL will contain the authorization token. You need to copy that URL and paste it here. """) input('Press Enter to continue...') _open_in_browser(auth_url) callback_url = input('Copy the callback URL here: ') if callback_url.startswith('http:'): callback_url = 'https' + callback_url[4:] if session.FLOW == Flow.AUTHORIZATION_CODE: token = session.fetch_token(callback_url) else: token = session.read_token_from_callback_url(callback_url) logger.debug('Token: ' + pretty(token)) return token
if __name__ == '__main__': from spotipie.auth import AuthorizationCodeSession, Credentials credentials = Credentials.from_environment() session = AuthorizationCodeSession(*credentials, scope='user-library-read') # token = prompt_for_user_authorization(session) token = get_user_authorization(session, 'PippoApp') print('Token:', token)